December 8 Blog Virtual MOA - The Feedback Is In!!! Alberta Physicians, Saskatchewan Physicians, BC Physicians, Virtual MOA, Medical Office Assistant
June 30 Blog Virtual MOA Service Alberta Physicians, BC Physicians, Virtual MOA Sherritt now offers a Virtual Medical Office Assistant Service - When you find your MOAs are not able to keep up with the current workload, but hiring another MOA doesn't seem to be the answer. This can be the solution to your problems.
May 27 Blog When billing for physicians it Is important to know the basics, any biller should start here (even the experienced ones) Sherritt Services Medical Billing Course – The Benefits of Learning the Basics Alberta Medical Billing, Alberta Medical Billing Course
May 5 Blog BC Billing Specialists - What Can They Do for You? BC Physicians, BC Medical Billing, BC Specialists
January 14 Blog Changes to Virtual Care Codes Effective Jan 1, 2022 Enhanced Virtual Care Codes Alberta Medical Billing, Alberta Physicians