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Outsourcing, It's a Good Time to Explore Your Options
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Outsourcing, It's a Good Time to Explore Your Options

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Have you ever thought about outsourcing your billing/transcription? It's a good time to think about the many advantages that outsourcing offers

With restrictions being lifted and Covid case numbers declining, patients are starting to come back to in-clinic visits. What does this mean for you? Are you looking to hire back clinic staff that were laid off during restrictions? It would be a great time to explore the benefits of outsourcing. Outsourcing can save you time, money, service disruptions, and a lot of frustration.

  1. Training – When you outsource to a company like Sherritt Services Inc. your billing specialist/transcriptionist comes to you fully trained. Even if your billing specialist/transcriptionist moves on Sherritt Services Inc. will have a trained experienced replacement slide in to place without any disruption in service. You never need to worry about the time and cost of training ever again.
  2. Holidays – When one of your employees goes on holidays you must make sure someone is trained to take their place. This means having another staff member take on 2 roles for the time they are covering holidays which can lead to being overworked and making mistakes. The other scenario that often happens is that you do not have coverage and if this is your billing staff you are now looking at the possibility of not getting paid during the time they are away.  Sherritt Services Inc. has billing specialists dedicated to covering holidays, so when your regular billing specialist is away the coverage team takes over and since they have worked closely with your specialist throughout the year, they can seamlessly take over your billing so you continue to get paid.
  3. Benefits – Providing benefits to your employees can be awfully expensive, when you outsource you instantly save money as you do not have to provide benefit coverage.
  4. Office space – The more employees you have in a building, the larger the office space you need.  If you outsource your billing or transcription, you have can use that extra space other purposes.
  5. Sick days – Never worry about being short staffed or disruptions in work due to your employees being away due to illness. Sherritt Services Inc. billing and transcription teams ensure the same level of service every week regardless of the situation. Our teams work together so that should someone be too ill to meet their commitments we have someone else ready to step in and complete the work.  




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