If you are a physician entering your own billing, are you also taking the time to reconcile each week? Figuring out rejection codes can be time consuming and if you do not know the codes and the rules behind them this can result in loss of income. Spending time trying to fix these claims yourself should also be considered as lost income as you could be spending your time on patient care.
We often encounter physicians that code their own billing then have another staff member reconcile their rejections. Often these staff are not trained in billing and are unsure as to the reason for the rejection. This can result in claims being written off unnecessarily...which of course means, loss of income for the physician. Even if the staff member has a good understanding of the billing process and the reason for the rejection, if they did not enter the original bill, they may not have the whole picture and shortchange you on the resubmission. Which results in, as you have probably already guessed, loss of income!!
At Sherritt Services Inc. we have a full understanding of the Schedule of Medical Benefits and how all the pieces go together. With the help of this knowledge, we strive for a rejection rate of 1% or lower due to billing errors, resulting in the physician getting paid the first time a claim is submitted. However, should any complex reconciliation issues arise, our team of experienced professionals will work together to ensure all possible avenues are exhausted prior to any claim being written off.
Make sure you are getting paid for ALL of the work you do!!!