Whether you are just getting started or have been billing for years the Sherritt Services Alberta Medical Billing Online Course is a beneficial source. The most important course of action when learning to bill is to start with the basics and this billing course was created for this purpose. There are several parts to the Alberta Schedule of Medical Benefits and this course will teach you how the parts are used together to bill correctly. Often Alberta billing is taught by office staff passing on information that was passed on to them. This has led to billing staff not knowing category codes or their importance and missing important information from bulletins that have been released. We have come across billing staff with varying levels of experience who have never been taught the basics and as a result have a high number of rejected claims and weren’t provided the necessary information to interpret the cause of the rejection and how to fix it. Does this mean that a physician (or someone in their office) can take the course and replace their billing service? No, the course will not replace the years of experience that the Billing Specialists at Sherritt Services provide. Billing for physicians is not just data entry, it takes time and ongoing learning to fully develop into a successful billing specialist. This course is a valuable step in the learning process.